5 definitions by Spleens69

Facebook moms call them Fuzzies.
Furries are the most terrifying creatures of our generation. They dress up as animals, hop around like animals, bark, and run around on all fours. It's offensive to animals to call Furries animals. If you find yourself in a situation where you're cornered by a furry.

You're screwed, may the lord rest ur soul.
''Bro is that....''
''A furry?....''
''Is that a sex thing?''
The last words of a dude named Brian
by Spleens69 November 28, 2022
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She's the most gorgeous person you'll ever meet, she has an adorable smile and you don't see any reason to go to school other than to see her. She's amazing, kind of stupid, and always somehow manages to make you laugh no matter how bad her jokes are.

She complains about being not photogenic but you really don't believe a word she says since you think she looks flawless anyway. Her smile just makes your heart melt and you feel like you would do anything just to make her smile again.
You want to do everything to make her like you and hang around with you and think about her before going to bed every night, trying to figure out ways you can make her smile the next day.

She claims she's a bottom and you definitely don't mind it when she grabs you by the throat and is anything but a bottom.You simply enjoy the moment.
You also find yourself drawn in by her gorgeous brown eyes with small almost unnoticeable flecks of green in them and feel like you could just gaze into them and never look away.
You feel your heart literally stutter whenever she catches you looking at her but try to cover it up by acting like the stupid little shit you are.
Even when you've had the worst day you always find yourself cheered up by her simply being there.
She scares the shit out of you when she's mad but you enjoy annoying here, just a little bit.
You especially enjoy those moments when she puts her face really close to yours to appear threatening, and you absolutely love it.
''Omg that girl is so hot.''
''Oh yeah she's a Serena for sure.''

''That joke was so unfunny.''
''Shut up it still made me laugh.''
by Spleens69 November 24, 2022
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Beatrice is the most gorgeous person you can meet. She's funny, kind to her friends, and always brightens your day. She can be pretty mean to your friends whom she doesn't know. She can get jealous of you pretty easily but it's only because she loves you and doesn't want to lose you to someone else.She's a great friend to have, a bit of a crackhead and is gullible.She won't hesitate to bully boys who she's met on Omegle and enjoys making fun of their microscopic dicks.If you find yourself a Beatrice you should definitely keep her.
''No Beatrice, don't bully him about his microscopic dick.''
by Spleens69 November 28, 2022
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Clara is basically the most gorgeous most beautiful human being to ever exist, her eyes are so mesmerising I could stare at them all day. Clara has an amazing sense of humour and the most beautiful laugh to ever exist, her voice sounds absolutely heavenly and I'd do anything to hear her talk. Clara however is deeply unaware of her overwhelming beauty and doubts these facts about herself. (She's just in denial) She's the most adorable person ever when she's flustered and she's such a sweetheart. She deserves the world and nothing less, her heart has been broken by the most cruel people to ever exist and I hope they get run over by a school bus and die. Clara is a literal goddess, she's perfect and can do no wrong.
Person 1: Hey look that's Clara
Me: Back tf up she's mine
by Spleens69 July 19, 2023
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Clara is a literal goddess. She has the most wonderful personality ever. She has an amazing sense of humour and she's clingy af. She's the most adorable person on the planet and I'll do anything to make her happy. She has the most stunning eyes you'll ever see and you'd be blessed if she ever looked at you. Clara however seems to be in denial about how awesome and beautiful she is. She's gorgeous no matter what, she's just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside and she's a big keeper. She loves cats and spiders and she's one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet. She deserves nothing but the best and if you hurt her I will personally hunt you down and kill you. If you've hurt her in the past, I will hunt you down and kill you. She's a precious lil innocent croissant who shall not be harmed under my protection. I know she's beautiful but if I catch you staring I will throw hands, because she is mine. And if anyone tries to touch me or flirt with me, I will throw hands, because I'm hers and I'm reserved for her touch only. So please, with all due respect, fuck off.
Person 1: oo damn she's hot
Me: *slowly unsheathes sword* Clara is mine
by Spleens69 July 19, 2023
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