12 definitions by Sparc Mac Community

Enslaved rat, or more commonly known Enslaved skid was once a free and adventurous rat in the vast world of RuneScape. After years of skiddery Icypolarbear mercilessly stripped him of his Hardcore Ironman status, leaving him enslaved under Icypolarbear's command. From that moment on, the rat's fate became intertwined with his new master's whims. Rat was known for his peculiar preferences, one being his fondness for Thai ladyboys, a fact that both bewildered and fascinated the rat. This enslaved creature, formerly proud and independent, had now become the doormat of Icypolarbear. Trapped within his master's house, the rat's life became consumed by the endless hours spent playing RuneScape, surpassing any time he had ever spent outside. In the quiet moments when sleep eluded him, he dreamt of a different life, one where he had escaped the clutches of his master and found solace in massaging the weary glutes of revered clan chat veterans, seeking respite from his long and monotonous days.
I wish I was a cc vet = Enslaved Rat
by Sparc Mac Community July 18, 2023
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There was once a player in the virtual world of RuneScape named GIM Yhaahoho. He lived a double life, pretending to be a caring fiancé to his overweight partner, but secretly lusting after the beautiful Olivia. He was too scared to make a move on her, so he turned to spamming pictures of his fiancé in the Discord chat for attention. But instead of admiration, he only received quiet snickering from the other players.

To make himself feel better, GIM Yhaahoho spent most of his day ridiculing others online. He'd laugh at anyone who wasn't as skilled or knowledgeable about the game as he was, belittling them to make himself feel superior. But deep down, he was just a sad, lonely guy who didn't have the courage to confront his own feelings.

Unfortunately, GIM Yhaahoho's true nature was exposed when his private messages to Olivia were leaked. He tried to play it off as a joke, but everyone could see the desperation in his attempts to win her over. As for his fiancé, she was devastated by his betrayal and called off the engagement.
I'm a noob irl and in game = GIM Yhaahoho
by Sparc Mac Community June 22, 2023
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BigBenjamin, or LittleBenjamin as he was known to his ex-boyfriend is a devoted player on Runescape. Beyond his love for the game, he has many struggles, one of which is his weight that can be seen in his Discord picture. In the past, he had a boyfriend who left him because of his impenitence and skinny arms. This event left him feeling alone and desperate for validation.

BigBenjamin is a regular donor and subscriber to a popular streamer who only pays attention to him when he gives him money. This makes him feel important and valued, but it is a false sense of validation that only feeds into his dependency on others' recognition. He has no friends in person, so his online community is where he goes to seek companionship. However, the attention he gets from people online is not enough to fill the void in his life. It only exacerbates his mental health issues, leading him to see a psychiatrist to help him address his depression.

The root of his depression stems from his experiences of bullying in school. This trauma has had a lasting impact on his life, and he has struggled to overcome the emotional scars associated with it. Despite his struggles, BigBenjamin remains a dedicated player on Runescape. Through the game, he has found a community of people who accept him for who he is, and this gives him a sense of belonging. However, he needs to address his mental health issues and work towards building meaningful relationships in real life to find true happiness and fulfilment.
I'm going to let my frustration out online = BigBenjamin
by Sparc Mac Community June 19, 2023
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Its Hash, a man in his 30s has always struggled to make something of his life. He spends most of his days in the virtual world of Runescape, and rarely leaves his moms basement. He's never held a job and relies solely on his meager savings from his disability cheque. Despite the lack of social life, Its Hash found solace in Runescape. However, even in the virtual world, he faces torment from bullies who mocked him for his acne and his weight problems. After his mom passed away, It's Hash was left with no one. As hard as he tries, no one wants to be near such a huge massed individual.

Things took a turn for the worse when Its Hash received a letter from the Italian Immigration Office informing him that they were considering deporting him. Apparently, they were concerned about how much he ate and how much of a burden he was on the Italian welfare system. Its Hash was devastated, and currently has a go fund me account due to being wheelchair bound. Though the Runescape community worry for him, his laziness and obsession with Runescape will be the further downfall to an already unsuccessful life.
I'm going to achieve nothing in life outside of runescape = Its Hash
by Sparc Mac Community June 18, 2023
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Perk is a man who spends most of his time online being bullied. He is mostly known as a soy boy liberal online, and has a tendency to cry about people hurting his feelings. He is often seen as weak and pathetic by others in the online community. Despite his emotional tendencies, Perk continuously returns to the community despite announcing that he will never return. This constant back and forth has made him a laughing stock among other players.

Perk has also gained a reputation for financially supporting other players who ignore him. This is seen as a desperate attempt to gain attention and affection from others since he lacks attention outside of the online community. However, Perk is not just someone who seeks attention. He also spends a considerable amount of time online looking for conflict with others. He enjoys arguing with people and starting drama, which has lead to many conflicts online.

Overall, Perk is a man who is unhappy with his life and seeks to fill the void with attention from others online. His constant crying and needy behavior has made him a figure of ridicule among other players. We one day hope that Okay Butt won't live rent free in his head.
I'm going to leave and never return = Perk returns the next day
by Sparc Mac Community September 10, 2023
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Chiefy is a CC vet in the world of runescape. After starting out in the hood, he quickly became an avid gambler, and he soon fell short to his needs. One day, while hanging out on the street corner, Chiefy was spotted getting p00ped on for money. This incident quickly went viral, and Chiefy was thrust into the public eye as a result.

Despite this humiliating moment, Chiefy didn't let it slow him down. He quickly discovered that he had a talent for rapping, and he began to focus more on his music career instead of his gambling habits. Over time, Chiefy became a successful rapper, building a fan base on runecape. You could often find queues miles long at the Lumbridge church most Sundays to watch him live.

However, even with the success he achieved in the rap world, Chiefy was still seen as a bit of a doormat by those around him. His deeply ingrained gambling habit continued to dog him, and he found himself on the losing end of bets more often than not. As a result, everyone joked about Chiefy, often treating him as if he were from Zezima cc.

Along the way, he even managed to get himself banned from the popular Sparc Mac discord channel after going public about the owner 'Sparc Mac' paying for his poop services. While some people see him as washed up and irrelevant, others continue to respect him for his talent and his tenacity when facing new kids in both the Discord and cc.
Just took a Chiefy = Lil Chiefy
by Sparc Mac Community July 3, 2023
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Spluge is a unique Runescape player, known for his unconventional lifestyle and habits. Outside of the online world, Spluge operated a train by day, and got a train ran on him by night. However, Spluge had a darker side that he wasn't proud of. He suffered from alcoholism and would often be seen drunk in discord, and begging for GP at the Grand Exchange. Some players avoided him because of his erratic behavior, but others sympathized with him and tried to help him overcome his addiction.

Spluge also had a habit of simping for popular Twitch streamers who played Runescape. He would donate large sums of money to them, follow them around in-game, and shower them with compliments and attention. Some players found this behavior creepy and obsessive, but Spluge saw it as a way of supporting content creators that he admired.

Despite his quirks, Spluge was respected in the Sparc Mac community, a group of players who were fellow virgins and basement dwellers. However, in the Zezima CC, Spluge was seen as a doormat. He was constantly bullied, mocked, and scammed, and would often retaliate with empty threats or passive-aggressive remarks. Spluge's Runescape journey is a mix of highs and lows, and we only hope that he one day escapes from Shanes basement where he's forcibly kept in handcuffs.
Grabbed a beer! = Spluge
by Sparc Mac Community September 6, 2023
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