10 definitions by SovietRyan

Variation of the Cowgirl sex position where the guy puts his dick
in the girl's ass rather than her pussy.
I asked my husband if he wanted me to do cowgirl, but instead he asked for

Brokeback Mountain.
by SovietRyan November 17, 2014
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When the guy cums in the girl's eyes making her unable to see anything, like how a cobra spits venom to blind prey.
Megan had to go to the Eye Doctor after Will did the Vietnamese Cobra to her the night before.
by SovietRyan November 17, 2014
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CWGS(Chronic Baesic White Girl Syndrome) is a growing epidemic among caucasian females. The disease causes:

-Starbucks Cravings such as Pumpkin Spice Lattes

-Excessive use of Iphones to tweet, snapchat, and take instagram photos of everything they eat

-Wear Uggs and Scarves in any temperature, even summer temperature

-Use dialect such as "ILYBAE", "BAE", and "I Can't Even" without saying a specific action
Emma used to be so individualistic, then she contracted CBWGS.
by SovietRyan November 17, 2014
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The study of symbols, text, items and creatures associated with or representing Satan. Not to be confused with Satanism, the worship of Satan.
The least-known Boy Scout merit badge is the Satanography merit badge, due to its dark requirements.
by SovietRyan April 20, 2015
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A state when the temperature is so low, that in addition to you shivering and rubbing your arms, your ass cheeks press together in order to prevent a heat loss from your buttocks.
You'll freeze to death if you go out in that Ass-Clenching Cold Weather!
by SovietRyan November 17, 2014
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Abstaining from sex until you are 90 years old, then banging a 20 year old chick.
Tim: My grandpa's gross. He slept with my girlfriend's sister.
Alan: He sounds like a real Captain America
by SovietRyan April 20, 2015
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When something is of equal or lesser importance/interest /value to that of a massive quantity of shit.
I didn't go to the One Direction concert due to the fact that it was a massive Shit Show.
by SovietRyan November 17, 2014
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