61 definitions by Soul_Driver

He's basically what Alex Jones would be if he were a radical leftist & a washed-up comedian.
Jimmy Dore is a fucking nutjob who had to hop on the Bernie Bro bandwagon because he has no talent as a comedian.
by Soul_Driver January 24, 2021
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An exceptionally well-made, worthy sequel to The Last of Us that received undeserved vitriol & review bombing from MAGAt incels just because it contained LGBTQ themes. Common deflection is they thought the story sucked, which is bullshit.

Overall, it's a game for actual adults.
The Last of Us Part II is an example of videogames evolving and no longer being geared towards teenage boys.
by Soul_Driver April 13, 2021
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Without question, the best energy/supplemental drink in the world!!!! Locally owned in Portland (but you can also get it in Washington). That's good though. I would hate to see it end up being some chain like Sobe or Red Bull! 300 milligrams of caffeine, btw. So, this drink doesn't pussy-out...
Fuck coffee, get me some Viso! Vigor or Will, please.
by Soul_Driver August 15, 2009
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The sequel to the "The Last of Us."

It's an exceptionally well-made & worthy video game that got unfairly politicized & review-bombed by MAGAt incels who had an unhealthy opposition to its LGBTQ themes. Let's just say the anger was so intense that it inspired those losers to personally attack Naughty Dog executives and the poor actors via Twitter DM. The sales and bevy of awards it received are indicative that the haters were only a loud minority.
The Last of Us: Part II is an example of video games evolving and no longer being geared towards teenage boys anymore. Grow up and get used to it.
by Soul_Driver April 10, 2021
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A self-righteous congresswoman whose populist rhetoric, purity circle jerks & grandstanding are doing more harm than good for the Democratic party.
James: Will AOC be President some day?

Alex: No, she wouldn't be able to win a statewide election in New York let alone a primary. She's useless other than being a lightning rod that energizes the GOP.
by Soul_Driver June 26, 2021
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Governor of Florida. An example on what happens when you vote for a Trumptard. Expect them to be not only be a blithering dumbass, but incompetent which happens to be a facet that's even worse in leadership.
As long as the economy doesn't decline, to hell with Floridians dying! That's Ron DeSantis in a nutshell!
by Soul_Driver May 3, 2020
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Quite possibly one of the greatest songwriters of all time who also happens to be a sublime showman that performs 3-4 hour long concerts as a senior citizen! A terrific musician overall.

Not to mention, he seems like a very kind & down to earth man that I had the pleasure of running into a few years ago!
Bruce Springsteen isn't called The Boss for nothing!
by Soul_Driver October 5, 2019
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