9 definitions by Soul

A large number of 14 and under children that play World of Warcraft. Best known for "the zerg".
Damn, you haven't graduated from high school? Better roll alliance then. Best choice for you would be a Human Paladin. The can just Shield-Hearth when they encounter a bunny rabbit.
by Soul April 26, 2005
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brown pasty substance from one's asshole.
I shit out dookie.
Dookie comes out my butt.
Dookie smells bad.
My dog makes orange dookie.
Shut-up dookie-head.
by Soul October 30, 2004
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The act of sexing the butt. Butt sex.
One time, I sexbutted Rob so hard, rum came out his nose.
by Soul July 19, 2003
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derbis: the singular form of debris.
donnie is about to throw a chunk of derbis at andy, because andy is stupid.
by Soul January 27, 2004
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a large singlular chunk of debris, made of shit.
Andy is a derbis head.
by Soul January 27, 2004
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asshat who thinks he is pabawn
doomcrawler155: hi my name is pabawn, whats yours?
by Soul October 15, 2003
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