11 definitions by Soufpaw

Colloquial term used by inner city youth to refer to the act of smoking a phat spliff, usally filled with high quality herbals.
Me and my boys decided to go zhurp in the shade since the weather was so hot.
by Soufpaw April 30, 2003
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"Thick apple head opens up your clit wider," RZA
by Soufpaw April 22, 2003
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An overstyled, over rated vehicle which is purchased by cheapskates and posers who cant commit to buying a corvette.
Wow that corvette is amazing, beautiful, and highly styled. Ah forget it, I'll just get the Camaro.
by Soufpaw April 29, 2003
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A type of gaseous release, sometimes known as a fart, whick makes no noise as it escapes the confines of the colon, which occurs when the butt cheeks are spread apart, providing no "clapping" surface in which the gaseous release can exert its force on.
WE wer at the movie thatre, and i let out an Air Jordan so nobody would know who laid it.
by Soufpaw May 5, 2003
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1)Word used by east asians when trying to say school.
2)Word used by east asians when trying to say spoon.
Mr.Karihati, upset that the school cafeteria had no spoons yelled, "why this scoon have no scoons."
by Soufpaw April 22, 2003
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Tactics usually rawkus, and chaotic in nature. Derived from the Palestinian Liberation Organization, and their unorthodox means of receiving attention.
Jimmy went P.L.O. style when he chowed down on his pizza.
by Soufpaw April 30, 2003
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A syndrome caused by exessive and prolonged masturbation to pronographic materials which cause the penis to become desensitised, and hence become dried and shriveled making it impossible to become aroused again.
Fernando jacked off to so much damn porn that he got leather dick, and could no longer become sexually aroused. His piss now shoots sideways too.
by Soufpaw April 22, 2003
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