12 definitions by Songpoet

To handle a complex problem with a simplistic approach that totally misses the mark but seems brave, strong and courageous. The key player substitutes bravado and bluster for skill, understanding and tact. Boldness trumps intelligence.
You could count on then President Bush to cowboy any serious problem, wrestling it to the ground like a rodeo star, manhandling the most serious challenges of the century as if they were steers in the ring.
by Songpoet November 24, 2005
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Wishful thinking that gets in the way of reality and smart decision-making as policy makers who believe something to be true (like the presence of weapons of mass destruction) start acting like they have evidence to prove it true. Closely associated with faith-based decision-making and "in your dreams" thinking.
Even though casualties and the level of violence both escalate in Iraq, members of the Bush Administration keep making optimistic forecasts about freedom and democratic prospects since they are captives of the Tinkerbell Effect. If you believe in fairies, maybe the war in Iraq will turn out well after all!
by Songpoet October 15, 2006
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Blather and boring comments that some blogger enters in a blog without much thought, consideration or style. Blah Blah Blah posing as meaningful commentary.
Her newspaper columns are much better than her blog which slips into bloggery of the worst kind.
by Songpoet April 17, 2006
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Variation of TADD - An acronym for Technology Attention Deficit Disorder — a condition caused by the excessive use of multiple technologies likely to make it difficult to focus, pay attention or understand anything difficult or challenging.
When Ruth flunked out of college in her freshman year, some of her friends blamed it on Tech A.D.D. - her total immersion in social networking and text-messaging that made it impossible for her to read her course work, pay attention in class or grasp the basics of the courses she was taking.
by Songpoet November 30, 2010
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This is an acronym for Technology Attention Deficit Disorder — a condition caused by the excessive use of multiple technologies likely to make it difficult to focus, pay attention or understand anything difficult or challenging.
When Ruth flunked out of college in her freshman year, some of her friends blamed it on TADD - her total immersion in social networking and text-messaging that made it impossible for her to read her course work, pay attention in class or grasp the basics of the courses she was taking.
by Songpoet November 26, 2010
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The election of Donald Trump to the presidency despite weeks of political opinion polls predicting the election of Hillary Clinton - a phenomenon much like Brexit in the UK where voters called for Britain's exit from the European Union despite weeks of political polls predicting the opposite outcome.
Political pundits and forecasters were shocked when American voters pulled off a Trumpit on election day, sending Donald Trump to the White House despite countless predictions that he would lose the election.
by Songpoet November 28, 2016
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Wormsquirm is the maneuver politicians and leaders sometimes exercise when they find themselves regretting their prior support for a person or policy who has suddenly fallen from grace. Even though the sins of the person or the faults of the policy may be severe, the politician tries to squirm out of "guilt by association" by using weasel words and various excuses.
During the 2016 USA presidential election, when Donald Trump's 2005 video surfaced in which he bragged about grabbing p-ssy, some prominent Republicans like Senator McCain withdrew their support, while others did the wormsquirm, criticizing his words but maintaining support for his candidacy.
by Songpoet October 14, 2016
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