14 definitions by SomewhereElse

Don't pull a gay Donald. Just.. don't.
by SomewhereElse January 20, 2017
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Ideology, ideas, policies, or behavior motivated by sexual gratification/satisfaction, by lust.

Etymology: Muh dick.
Some of the young male support of the feminist movements of the 70s was pure muhdickism -- a bunch of horny dudes wanting easier access to females.

- What's with Chloe dating loser after loser? I think it's because she feels bad for them.
- Nah, it's just run-of-the-mill muhdickism: It turns her on to think she'll be the one to change one of these assholes into some kind of perfect boyfriend-material gentleman, then he'd become hers. Even if deep down she knows this ain't gonna happen. But the ride is enjoyable enough.
- But why not go directly for said perfect boyfriend-material gentleman?
- I don't know. That's just how females say "muh dick".

A lot of the Christian and puritan preaching for "domestic discipline" and male authority was more Muhdickism than it was Puritanism, for both sides.
by SomewhereElse August 21, 2017
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Or just "back pocket".


1. One of the guys a woman keeps platonically in her orbit so that she could tap into in times of need.

2. One of the guys a woman keeps platonically in her orbit to possibly, one day, marry or get into a relationship with when she's old enough and the security alarm of settling down becomes too loud to ignore.

Also see: (beta) orbiter ; white knight
- When she doesn't hook up or spend the night with anyone, Maria calls one of her back pocket guys to give her a ride from the club.

- If push comes to shove, in tens years, you'll probably still have your back pockets.
by SomewhereElse January 13, 2017
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You hate black people but want a fat black woman to sit on your face?! The cogdiss is strong with this one bro.
by SomewhereElse August 21, 2016
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1. Sex with a foreigner.

2. (Of a foreigner) Sex with a local.
He said he was just there for the day. He had an aura of James Bond, except with longer hair. And one thing led to another... alien bang.

When vacationing in California, Dan had a couple of alien bangs partly thanks to his Australian accent.
by SomewhereElse July 10, 2016
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Rubbing one's penis against someone's thigh(s), possibly until ejaculation.
I don't know which is hotter: thighing or armpitting.
by SomewhereElse September 24, 2016
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Shame someone for being a wimp, less of a man than expected or desired.
He was beta-shamed into shoveling that snow.

Men who get into committed relationships can expect some beta-shaming from their buddies.
by SomewhereElse December 24, 2016
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