1058 definitions by Solid Mantis

A pussy so hairy you need a weedwacker to fuck her.
This is some badass bush, you might want to bring a machete if you're gonna fuck her.
by Solid Mantis April 13, 2019
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I had to bring machete when I bang you mama and her badass bush last night.
by Solid Mantis April 13, 2019
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One of the four worst heights to be for a man. The other three are 4'11, 5'0, and 5'1. Anything under 4'10 is interesting because the man is a certified midget, without question. Anywhere from 4'11 to 5'2 and he doesn't quite fit either midget or grown up size very well, and people around don't quite know how to classify him even though there's no way to try without seeming like a height bigot or short manophobe. A man this size is the size of a petite female, and is usually the next most badass, toughest group at the bar, after midget men.
Dave noticed that even though Paul was only 5'2, he felt small in comparison standing next to him, somehow dave felt compelled to prove that he was a man, not a mouse even though Dave was 6 foot.
by Solid Mantis July 31, 2016
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A female that likes to play with explosives.
The bombshell made a bomb threats when she wasn't pulling fire alarms.
by Solid Mantis October 22, 2019
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A female that likes things that go boom.
The bombshell loved anything from fireworks to c4.
by Solid Mantis October 22, 2019
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A year some groups of people calling themselves governments, or groups with the intent to become governments used to prepare most of the world's population for their more totalitarian form of government. If you look at what followed 1918 (depression and world war), and think that history can't repeat itself because technology has advanced or a few things have changed on the surface since then, think again. As long as people don't keep the groups calling themselves a government in check, they have no right to do anything the government hasn't given them permission to do.
2020 wasn't the worst year for a plague in history, the world has been through worse. If a few groups convince enough people that 2020 is the worst thing that could happen to them, they have almost total control over the lives of the rest of the popilation for the upcoming years. That defeats the point of calling any government a democracy, since calling it that is misleading.
by Solid Mantis January 27, 2021
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