1136 definitions by Solid Mantis

You hear about rappers with names like Capone, Noriega, or Scarface, but you dont hear a rapper pick a name like Spadafora. Nobody seems to want to be the rapper that got decapitated.
Spadafora rapped about being a physician and criticized enough people in his rhymes that several other rappers conspired to torture him and cut his head off and make it look like a robbery gone bad. They did not like the shit this guy was saying.
by Solid Mantis September 7, 2020
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You hear about rappers with names like Capone, Noriega, or Scarface, but you dont hear a rapper pick a name like Spadafora. Nobody seems to want to be the rapper that got decapitated, that doesnt seem like much fun.
Spadafora rapped about being a physician and criticized enough people in his rhymes that several other rappers conspired to torture him and cut his head off and make it look like a robbery gone bad after a concert where he was booed off the stage. They did not like the shit this guy was saying.
by Solid Mantis September 7, 2020
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An Eskimo female who's been covered in batter from a busted but.
The poor battered Eskimo is gonna be a shell of a human being if you keep taking her pussy. Not even a full shell, not even a half shell, really just a shattered mess.
by Solid Mantis August 28, 2018
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I've never been a fan of Giuliani or Trump, but a lot of guys could have picked up a hammer and joined the rest of the Republicans, and Giuliani did stick with Trump even now. You don't find too many people that will do that these days, especially once things go beyond just getting laughed at to jail/prison time, or worse.
Rudy Giuliani didnt cut and run from Trump like many other lawmakers did, even if he's not on the same side as me, that is closer to admirable than what you get with many other lawmakers.
by Solid Mantis January 15, 2021
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Grier, what did I tell you about those sideburns? Take them off or have somebody show you how to shave! You're a patriot poser, not a patriot.
by Solid Mantis December 12, 2018
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Hatchback envy guy-That dudes hatchback is holding that much extra weight and carrying it around, most of my shit won't fit in when I pop the trunk.
Guys friend- I don't want to hear any more hitching about your car, get a new car!
by Solid Mantis March 23, 2018
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She pulled up in her batmobile, and her friends knew they were safe after that.
by Solid Mantis February 7, 2021
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