4 definitions by Sodakak

The act of having sex during the afternoon hours of the day as opposed to the far more common nighttime hours.

The term was originally coined in the 1976 hit song "Afternoon Delight" by the Starlight Vocal Band. Due its lighthearted musical style, the song is often misinterpreted as being one about the general fun and innocence of being in love. Only upon close inspection of the lyrics does it become obvious that the song is actually about having sex during the afternoon hours of the day.
I went home to have lunch with my wife, but we ended up having a little afternoon delight instead.
by Sodakak September 15, 2016
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A British slang word that can be translated into American lingo in several ways.

1. It can be used in the way Americans use the words fag or queer to refer to someone who is:

* A homosexual: "Joe is proud to be a ponce."

* A man who is not homosexual but displays effeminate or overly diva like behaviors: "I wish Joe would stop wearing all that cologne shit. He smells like a bloody ponce."

* As an insult to a man who may not be homosexual and/or effeminate, but is someone you hate: "Joe really pissed me off yesterday with that stunt. If that ponce pulls that shit again today, I'm going to kick his ass."

2. Ponce can be used like the words wuss or pussy to describe someone you feel is weak in some way: "So Joe and I came to blows the other day. He fights like a fucking ponce though so I wasn't hurt in the fight."
Joe is proud of the fact he a ponce.

I wish Joe would stop bathing in cologne. He smells like a bloody ponce.

Joe pissed me off yesterday. If that ponce pulls that shit again, I'm going to kick his ass.

Joe and I got into a fight, but he hits like a total ponce so I wasn't hurt at all.
by Sodakak October 13, 2015
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Used to describe the act of hitting someone with the handle of a handgun while holding the barrel.

The "classic" pistol whip originated during the mid to late 1800's with revolvers like the Colt Peacemaker. Because of the long barrel of the gun a person could actually make it into a powerful club like weapon by grabbing the barrel and using the handle of the gun to "whip" someone.

It is still used with today's handguns even though most of them make for poor pistol whipping for a few key reasons:

1. Because of the short barrel length, and overall compactness of the gun, you can't really swing it with the force of an old revolver.

2. It is extremely dangerous to do with a semi automatic because of the possibility of the gun discharging, often towards the person holding it, because of the trigger inadvertently being pulled in the force of the whipping.

Old style revolvers couldn't be fired unless the hammer was already cocked, so a person could whip away with no danger of firing the gun as long as the hammer was down.

Since a semi automatic keeps a round chambered at all times it is possible to discharge it with the rough shaking a pistol and whip uses.
Wyatt Earp wanted to incapacitate the drunk but not shoot him, so he pistol whipped him until he gave up.
by Sodakak September 25, 2016
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A male white ribbed tank top which has been around since the early 1900's and was very popular as an undergarment before the t-shirt came into common usage.

The shirt acquired the nickname "Wife Beater" in the late 1980's due to the popularity of police reality shows like "Cops" where it seemed like a disproportionately high number of men who were arrested for episodes of domestic violence, as well as other crimes, were wearing a shirt like this.

The main reasons why this garment seem to be favored by men like this are:

1. It's cheap. Many men in this demographic tend to not have a lot of disposable income and, because of the low amount of material that is used to create the shirt, they can be bought in large quantity for very little money.

2. It's good to wear on hot days. Again, because of lack of income, many of the men seen in shows like "Cops" live in unairconditioned homes or trailers which can become extremely hot in warm weather. The design and thinness of the material in the shirt makes it a good option to try and get some relief from the oppressive heat.
Did you see that guy the cops were hauling away was wearing a wife beater? Big surprise, huh?
by Sodakak September 15, 2016
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