10 definitions by Snuffkin

The villian starred in Baldur's Gate 2. Employs his vampire sister, Bodhi.
"You dare to attack me here? Do you even know whom you face?"
"You will suffer! You will all suffer!"
by Snuffkin March 27, 2005
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A popular, free, and open-source webserver with massive supporting community and used by the vast majority of websites in the world.

Much more desirable when compared to IIS, due to it's vastly better security history and better dependability.
That website is down. Oh, wait, it's running on IIS.
by Snuffkin February 4, 2005
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Technology that at a quick glance would appear to be heavily taken from Java. It boasts, however, the ability to compile one program from source written in multiple languages (the primary choices being C#, Visual Basic and C++).

The fact that .NET is tightly bound to Windows somewhat lessens the practicality of .NET when compared to Java.

Like Java has Java Servlet Pages, .NET employs ASP.NET as it's server technology, which might be more attractive were it not tied down to both Windows and IIS, which has a less than desirable security history, when compared to Apache.
I have to download 23MB just to run 'Hello, World'?
by Snuffkin February 4, 2005
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