100 definitions by Snake

support tech n9ne with the FTI!!!
by Snake April 29, 2003
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Secondary main character from Final Fantasy 8. Is playable in dream sequences and gets a much better fight theme than the main game. Was in the army with Kiros and Ward, but left to become a freelance journalist and eventually, president of Esthar.

Though not mentioned directly in the game, he is Squall's father.
Laguna: I am your father!
Squall: No!! It cannot be........whatever.
by Snake June 27, 2005
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A nickname for Stella Artois. Its origins come from British drinking culture. Copious consumption of Stella will make someone more violent than if they were drinking any other brand of lager.
Murphy drank some Fighting Fuel. Now he is barred from every pub in town.
by Snake December 11, 2005
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Slang for a Fiat Punto. Generally driven by knackers, scobes and boy racers, though most of the aforementioned are usually one and the same. As a result, they are cheap, unreliable and rust after a few years.

See also Honda Civic.
Fucking Social Welfare Mobile cut me off at the Magic roundabout.
by Snake February 1, 2006
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Mythical creature, the possible presence of which makes a great distraction.
I'm going to read all 3174 passages of my new book to you.

I'm sure that'll be interest.....Look! A three-headed monkey!
by Snake March 9, 2005
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The scourge of the music industry. A disgrace to the Irish people who rake in money and aren't paying tax because our backwards government gives them an exemption under a law allowing "artists" to get away with not paying up.
Westlife came on the radio, so half the room blew their brains out.
by Snake January 28, 2006
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A carbonated drink that is popular with primary school kids who don't know any better. Possibly the best toilet bleach/silver cleaner/nail dissolver ever invented.
"Toilet's blocked"
"Hang on. I'll get the Coke"
by Snake August 6, 2005
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