36 definitions by Smkngmgc

Slang for shooting and succeeding a shot at a basket well beyond the three-point line in basketball (usu. from the center of court or further).
Commentator- "Wow! Mickael Pietrus from downtown! That'll give Golden State another three!"
by Smkngmgc August 4, 2005
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Referred to as the group of federal agents, the leader being Elliot Ness who fought Al Capone's organization without being bribed or falling ultimately to corruption as well as shutting down a million-dollars worth enterprise of bootlegging. Ness' book was called "The Untouchables" as well as some movies and television shows made during the 20th century.
A hacker team in Seattle used to be called "The Untouchables" due to their successful anonymity from the police and spring of untraceable electronic crimes.
by Smkngmgc June 14, 2004
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A grand endeavor or trial of much difficulty.
(French expression, not directly translated/cultural saying.)
Getting a 3-pointer from downtown is a tour de force. Or, climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro is quite a tour de force.
by Smkngmgc June 16, 2004
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Short for "bookkeeper". Someone who keeps track of business transactions.
Usually referenced toward gambling, accounting and banking.
I talked to Louie, our bookie, and he says we should bet on the New York Jets based on our records.
by Smkngmgc January 10, 2005
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An organization of federal workers, or agents, designed to secure the US against security risks that disrupt the government somehow "clearing the picture" for other departments/agencies/forces or sending in their own forces for exigent purposes. They also have a nationwide web of phone/webtaps, informants, spies and undercover guys ("plants"). Founded in 1908 with the purpose of fighting crime more effectively nationwide, they eventually lasted through trying times such as the Prohibition, WW1/WW2 and 9/11 and continue their work today.
An agent: a suit with an signed ID. Usu. seen with a 9mm handguns, black Sedan and a red tie. *Some believe they are actually aliens.* ::GASP::
by Smkngmgc June 14, 2004
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1. Japanese mortar shell renowned for a whizzing sound before reaching you.
2. A mixture of heroin and cocaine, provides a one-two punch effect on the user.
1. "Do you hear that, Sargeant? Sounds like a fruit fly...SCRAMBLE!"
2. There's some bozo down the campus selling whiz bangs. Only a matter of time 'till someone turns him in.
by Smkngmgc June 21, 2004
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A break dance that involves the person getting on the floor (stomach down) and moving in a curvy wave sort of like how a worm moves, hence the title.
Also called "the centipede".
Did you see Ed S. do the worm in the cafeteria? He must've gone 20 feet down the place!
by Smkngmgc June 21, 2004
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