4 definitions by Smellican

a concatenation of the words 'tasty' and 'delicious' - it is one of many common words that are made from tacking on a word or part of a word to the suffix 'licious'
this apple is tastylicious!
by Smellican October 12, 2005
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alternative spelling of the original word 'woot' or 'w00t',etc. it is an expression/exclamation of joy/happiness, usually in response to something someone else has said, or something recently discovered. contrary to all the crappy definitions listed here, the REAL origin of the 'woot' comes from the pre-WWW days of MUD games - in many of these games, when you killed monsters, it would be a rare treat if they dropped equipment (aka loot) - which lead to the usage of the phrase 'wow loot' which quickly became 'woot' for short. now vote thumbs up for this - anybody who's everybody knows this is the true origin.
User A: I just got a new laptop!
User B: WEWT!
User B: also woot!
by Smellican October 12, 2005
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this term refers to any manner of snack cakes. most popularly, these come in the form of various 'little debbie' brand creations not limited to 'zebra cakes', 'fancy cakes', and the ever-present 'swiss cake rolls'
Snackycakes are the cornerstone of any nutritious diet.
by Smellican October 14, 2005
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used as an adjective - when found in a terrible situation such as getting lost or being marooned on an island or otherwise in some manner of dire situation, one is said to be 'struck' - can also be expressed as 'struck diesel' for added emphasis (with extreme emphasis on the 'die' part of diesel)
Gabe: Oh crap, the tire went flat!
Chris: Aw man, we're struck!

Howard: Aw man, I'm so hungry and there's no food in the house and the store just closed 2 minutes ago!
Laura: Struck diesel!
by Smellican October 12, 2005
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