2 definitions by Smaug666

The first generation born in the 21st century and were born 2000 or 2001 to 2020. Generation Y or Millennials are born 1980s to 2000.
Kid: I'm 15 years old mom I can date a boy if I want.
Adult: Shut up you're generation z and are still a kid.
Kid: I hate you!
by Smaug666 July 22, 2016
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A kid born between 1990-1999 (not 80s babies). As much as we want it people born in the 1980s were never true 90s kids as they might claim to be.
Me: Hey mom whats a 90s kid?
Mom: a 90s kid is someone born in the 1990s.
Me: That makes me a 90s kid then.
Mom: Yup.
by Smaug666 November 27, 2015
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