7 definitions by Smartie

The best place to buy used IT equipment.
Computers for under a hundred bucks, laptops for the price of an XBOX.
by Smartie March 7, 2003
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After his inapproropiate comment, Susie proceeded to kick Roger in the jimmies.
by Smartie May 15, 2004
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Shabby, dirty, and vulgar; tawdry
Veronica remarked, "That bitch was straight up skeezy."
by Smartie May 15, 2004
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1. A person who opposes and rejects many of the conventional standards and customs of society, especially one who advocates extreme liberalism in sociopolitical attitudes and lifestyles.
2. A person who grows their own herbs.

see John Kerry
The young boy remarked, "Look at all hippies in congress!"
by Smartie May 15, 2004
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Rural northeastern pennsylvania town containing a bunch of shrewish, skeezy crackers.
Everyone from Staten Island moves to Effort.
by Smartie May 15, 2004
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1. A thin crisp wafer or biscuit, usually made of unsweetened dough.
2. A disparaging term for a white person.
Tyrese shouted "Hey, Cracker! We're out of crackers. Run to the cracker ass store and pick some more up."
by Smartie May 15, 2004
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1. A super freak
2. The most overused punchline in American high schools
by Smartie May 15, 2004
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