2 definitions by SleeplessInSyracuse

The natural groove struck by a concert-goer when a witnessing live performance. It can be thought of as their noise floor for excitement reflected in their motion. Each person's idle is unique and while perhaps imitable, is not truly reproducible by any other person. It can be used as a verb (idling) or as noun (his or her idle). The idle spectrum encompasses all types of grooves; from the frantic hula girl to the middle aged man entrenched in the front row with ear plugs nodding to the beat.

The term gets its roots from the cars engine which also idles when waiting at a red light.
Check out that guys idle...
by SleeplessInSyracuse February 6, 2015
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The ability to make all sexual desire disappear via a thought or some mechanism. Analogous to the mute button on a TV remote control. One may compare the cock mute state to the moments after ejaculation where the mind is free of all sexual desire. The ability to harness such a tool would be potentially lucrative, making you one of the most productive men in the world unencumbered by sexuality.
I was trying to bang my girlfriend when my dog accidentally sat on my cock mute button. I got up and mowed the lawn.
by SleeplessInSyracuse August 20, 2013
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