29 definitions by Slatte

1)The only street more crooked than Lombard Street.
2)The street on which the White House is stationed.
Pennsylvania Avenue is horrible
by Slatte December 9, 2006
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Just like a normal safe, only completely useless. It keeps all your valuable possesions and whatnot inside, safe from prying fingers. However, if stolen, which should easily be done, seeing as it's portable, defeats the purpose of it being a safe. It can easily be pried or torched open later.
Who in their right mind would think a portable safe is actually keeping anything safe?!?
by Slatte September 26, 2006
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A group of people who's faces are flat from getting doors slammed in their faces.
Jehovah's Witness: Ouch, my face feels like Kansas.
by Slatte November 10, 2006
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1) Has the ability to make wind and break wind.
2) A convenient place for storing prized possesions if you are that fat.
3) A extremely stupid person.
4) A person that has the IQ of a potato.
5) A dangerous place when adventured into.
6) A noun usually found in jokes regarding planets.
7) The place of no return!
1) Fire in the hole!
2) Up yours. . .no really.
3) George Bush
4) George Bush
5) Example of said places: Rosie, Larry the Cable Guy, etc.
6) . . . and it was blockin out the sun and everything!
7) No explanation nessecary
by Slatte October 28, 2006
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sweet as said by cartman from south park. Used to describe something that is utterly sweet, but because if it's high sweetness level, is accompanied by and extra h.

Dude, thish ish sho friggin' shweet! My retainer ish chocolate flavored!
by Slatte December 10, 2006
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