19 definitions by Slammer

1. A revelation that that registers upmost surprise due to its randomness and unbelievability.

2. Unexplained absence without due notice.
1. Me "How's this for a bombshell- I fucked that old battler last night after everyone lashed"

You "dooooooooooo bang!"

2. Me "you coming to work tomorrow"
You "nah, i might bomshell that shift in the morning"
Me "doooooooooo bang!"
by Slammer March 11, 2005
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1. A person (esp. male) who struggles in any particular situation/field of expertise. Usually a dodgy, dirty cunt also.
2. An unsuccessful minger.
Fuck that Pip Edwards is a battler. He should be shot.
by Slammer August 24, 2003
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Social 'issues' that a 'battler' labours under...
BOD has more issues than the N.Y. Times
by Slammer September 1, 2003
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A drink- short for beverage.
At mcdonalds...
me : "Just a small bevva please"
maccas chump : "what the fuck?"
by Slammer September 4, 2003
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The greatest footballer currently playing the game: Justin Leppitsch of the brisbane lions- incidently, the greatest team of all time. The red terror is Domination personified.
That's another touch for the Red Terror!!
by Slammer May 11, 2004
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1. Extreme desire for something esp material.
"I got the sickest vendetta, when it comes to the chedda". 50 cent.
by Slammer September 20, 2006
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An exclamation conveying disgust. Probably derived from 'goo' and/or 'gooey'.
You've got a squished rotten banana on your hands. Gukkums!
by Slammer June 15, 2004
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