1 definition by Sky4Lakai

A person who plays more than the healthy amount of time on video games. Usually bitches about people calling him names and is louder than a damn howler monkey. His claim to fame is his Jew curls. His ancestry dates back to 1940's Germany and wakes up extra early to get his favorite treat, the Jew bagel. Most Importantly, he barks out his communist political ideology with no evidence to back it up. All in all, even though he can be annoying, people put up with his shit because it wouldn't be the same without him.

Known aliases:
-nasal nick
-Jew bagel
-Jew boy
Hey dude, I was playing GTA last night and this dude killed me. Then when I tried, he hid in his apartment and went on battlefield 4.
-that's gay, he's such a doug
by Sky4Lakai October 17, 2013
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