2 definitions by Skskks

Malcolm is a very kind hearted, funny man. Usually has dirty blonde, or brown hair. If you have a Malcolm in your life you are very lucky, because he can make you smile under any circumstance. He treats women with respect, and will do anything for his family. He has many friends, and loves sports. He has a very outstanding personality, and is a very respectful person. He will fight for what he believes in, and will stand up for what is right. He’s a lover not a fighter, but if he’s needs to he will fight, but only to protect.
Person 1: Wow look at him, what a very handsome man.
Person 2: Must be a Malcolm!
by Skskks May 12, 2019
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when you are in love, you get butterflies whenever you are around/ talking to them. you feel like you are to attracted to them, and you wanna talk to them 24/7.. when you talk to them you feel safe inside and you feel as if you can tell them anything and everything... you’re face gets hot when talking to them, and you just feel so amazing.. you notice the small things about them.. the way there cheek bones move as they smile, the way they type, the emotions when they text, then way there voice changes when talking to you.. you start to feel like them in general is perfect, and you don’t want anyone else but them..
Girl 1: I think I’m in love with him
Girl 2: how so?
Girl 3: he gives me butterflies and he’s the only one I want.
by Skskks April 23, 2019
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