5 definitions by Sinfonia69

Slang term for semen or ejaculating

The awesomest word in the world. Very funny to middle schoolers.
Person 1: Oh yay I think I'm going to cum!
Person 2: Don't get it on me!

Person 1: Dude, I have cum all over my face!
Person 2: I can see
by Sinfonia69 October 3, 2013
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A version of Windows, that according to the Windows Pattern should have been terrible but is one of micrsoft's best ever.
Windows 95 - Bad
Windows 98 - Good
Windows ME - very, very bad
Windows 2000 - Good
Windows XP - Also good
Windows Vista bad
Windows 7 - Awesome
Windows 8 - Bad
by Sinfonia69 December 7, 2014
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It's a language, mostly used online, that replaces most letters with numbers or symbols. Helpful when you don't want other people to know what you are thinking about.

The code revealed
L337 15 9r347 pl-l0r \/\/l-l3/\/ '/0u 4r3 l-l4\/1/\/9 7l-l0u9l-l75 4/\/d \/\/4/\/7 70

\/\/r173 7l-l3/\/\ d0\/\//\/ 8u7 7l-l3`/ 4r3 pr1\/473 8ui5/\/355.

Leet is great for when you are having thoughts and want to write them down but they are private business.
by Sinfonia69 October 18, 2014
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Use of a computer, iPod, TV, etc. Hated by parents but loved by kids/teenagers.
Mom: Go get some exercise
Kid: no way, I'm too busy with this epic screen time!
by Sinfonia69 October 24, 2014
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Someone between the age of 13 to 19. Stereotypes show that they have very active sex drives and love drugs, but this is not true for most. They are constant victims of ageism, treated like children but expected to act like adults.
Teenager 1: Hey move over
Adult: I am going to check your backpack to make sure you aren't hiding any marijuana in there.
Teenager: STFU I'm not some drug addict selling drugs, you have been brainwashed by society to think that way, I'm innocent!!!
by Sinfonia69 November 16, 2014
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