12 definitions by SiloueOfUlrin

A common suffix found in memes.







Other forms of the suffix are;
EACHUS (or something similar like BEACHUS)
EPHIS (E- fis)
ITES (pronounces E-TUS)
There are many other forms, typically with the main sounds "E", followed by a strong sound like "T" or "CH", then ending with an "US" (uh-ss), "ES" (eh-as), or an "IS" (i-ss).
Norman Reetus and his funky Fetus got Eatus Deletus by a spunky Beachus.
by SiloueOfUlrin November 10, 2019
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A nice white liquid to covet the canvas, makes blending colors easier.
Just cover the canvas in liquid white.
-Bob Ross
by SiloueOfUlrin November 10, 2019
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Galletroutechnouvetrinopherousegneuiquestiomuttenouguskitorlettuxvouaspreightermeriallettaskoventoarkensezcrevmartiskformanchaurlonworfsledhuezvibpoiuzysnyaewuqtrifgrinheikleskmotto Is used to define short words
"Hey" is a Galletroutechnouvetrinopherousegneuiquestiomuttenouguskitorlettuxvouaspreightermeriallettaskoventoarkensezcrevmartiskformanchaurlonworfsledhuezvibpoiuzysnyaewuqtrifgrinheikleskmotto
by SiloueOfUlrin November 10, 2019
Get the Galletroutechnouvetrinopherousegneuiquestiomuttenouguskitorlettuxvouaspreightermeriallettaskoventoarkensezcrevmartiskformanchaurlonworfsledhuezvibpoiuzysnyaewuqtrifgrinheikleskmotto mug.
A music term.
It is when someone makes up random words to make music, typically to sound like another language.
That person is great at iskov
Scoot a di bado datoo skilo magroo shekko
by SiloueOfUlrin November 10, 2019
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phthalo blue is a nice happy colour. Bright crystalline blue. Typically used to make water or the sky.
Now we're gonna add some phthalo blue to make some nice water...
by SiloueOfUlrin November 10, 2019
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A bot, typically found in chat rooms, whose soul purpose is to piss people off.
Typically done using all caps, spamming, and spreading false information. Trigger bots are very offensive, and may god help you if you come across one.
Bot: YOU Expunged due to being extremely offensive
A: This trigger bot is annoying
B: if only there were a way to get rid of it
Me: I know a way...

*mushroom cloud appears in the distance*
by SiloueOfUlrin November 10, 2019
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