7 definitions by Sigmund Freud

The act of excelling, or being highly impressed with a certain act or event. Can also mean something, or someone is very very very good.
"Was he Gandalf?"
"Yes! He kicked my fucking face off!"
by Sigmund Freud November 3, 2004
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An exasperation of dismay, often following a severe attack of Muggets.
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by Sigmund Freud November 3, 2004
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First diagnosed by Aeschylus, Muggets is a sever mental disorder thought to be caused by listening to dodgy techno and smoking vast quantities of second rate marijuana.

Those in the early stages will frequently bring the word Muggets into everyday conversation, until finally losing all other vocabulary and doomed to a life of saying only Muggets.
Muggets, muggets muggets?
by Sigmund Freud July 1, 2004
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A sexual position where the female lays on her back and the male thrusts his penis down her throat until flush with her face. Once this is achieved the scrotum of the man can be lain down with her neck betwixt each ball. This results in the appearance of a skin bow tie. Some have speculated that if the mans pubic hairs are cut in a certain way the woman will resemble Groucho Marx when properly executed.
by Sigmund Freud May 31, 2017
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"Did the DJ kick your (fucking) face off?"
"Yes, he was fucking Gandalf!!"
by Sigmund Freud November 3, 2004
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