7 definitions by SiffBachelor

blog rage generally happens to close minded people who cannot take a joke, they usually fall for senseless humour or very insensitive humour about cancer or black people or gayness etc. people who suffer from blog rage read random blogs and then just have an internet fit, spewing out all kinds of rubbish and rage at the blogger. a serious scene of blog rage can be identified by a poorly punctuated and grammatically incorrect responses, fueled by emotions and threats to kill or harm the blogger.
blogger : It’s coming to Summer time, and that means more parties, more excessive drinking, and more opportunities for your friends to embarrass you with juvenile behaviour. In this spirit, we present a guide to dealing with a drunk person, the signs to look out for, and how to handle the situation.

blog rage sufferer : This article is the most ignorant thing I have ever seen. Who ever wrote this should be shot dead. You are definately a waste to human life and shouldn’t be allowed to breath the valuable air that can be used for someone who is worth it. You will answer to Gad and you should be very afraid. I am glad I don’t you. I would kill you if I did.
by SiffBachelor December 3, 2009
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The act of punching into thin air, normally as a sign you are excited because you did something cool, or your team scored points in a match, and you want everyone to know about it. This is the equivalent to the 'woo-hoo' sound made by dumb chics when they are all talking about something stupid and they want to show their agreement on something dumb. It is important to chose the right moment when to air punch, and to do it right, or you will look like a douchebag.
that douche Larry always has to air punch when the Lakers score, he looks like such an ass

eventually i had to air punch with the rest of the crowd, they were starting to turn on me
by SiffBachelor June 3, 2009
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when you dance so hard that your hips switch around. left becomes right and right becomes left. generally to funky house and hard house music, some old eighties disco can also leave you hipswitched
Damn Tracey you were busting some tight moves on Saturday, you must have been hipswitch(ed) in the morning

That DJ G-Funk played some sick hipswitch(ing) tunes lastnight

i'm gonna hipswitch tonight, the Prodigy are burning down the house at the End

by SiffBachelor April 21, 2009
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A play on the phrase 'is so hot right now', but is used to explain how cool you think you are by associating yourself with someone or something else that is really cool. This is normally said by dumb model chicks and over the top metrosexual men
1. Zac Efron is so me right now
2. Katy Perry is so me right now
by SiffBachelor June 3, 2009
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when you have had a really hectic day at the office, full of meeting, stats analysis, email and no smoke breaks, by the end of the day, your ability to concentrate is so low, or trying to concentrate gives you a headache, this is concentrationache. A good douse of weekendnesia will help balance the sclaes
Man, I had three back to back meetings before noon, then i presented the sales forecast for the next quarter, and just to add to the concentrationache, I still have to respond to the urgent emails waiting for me
by SiffBachelor May 13, 2009
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when an outfit, dj, music act perform life at a party and they totally own the night with their performance, such that any following act's are almost lame because they cannot give the same level of performance. like a hijack, an everyday occurence in South Africa
Sexy blonde: what did you do lastnight?
Sexy Brunete: i went to Pacha, and saw Goldfish
Sexy Blonde: oh cool, how were they?
Sexy Brunete: they were so totally amazing, the discojacked Pacha, i left after they finished
Sexy Blonde: oh wow!! i've gotta see them live
by SiffBachelor May 13, 2009
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the weekend begins and you party all weekend, getting smashed every night, when you finally go to work on monday morning you sit down only to find you can't remember what you were doing on Friday before the weekend. This is particularly bad when its a long weekend, like easter
After a weekend of partying Rob sat down at the Monday morning meeting to discuss plans for the week and last weeks completed work, when it was his turn to address his colleagues, he said, "sorry, i have weekendnesia, I don't know what I am doing this week or what I did last week"

I hit the pubs and clubs so hard this weekend I have weekendnesia.
by SiffBachelor April 21, 2009
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