9 definitions by ShredGnarShark

When a situation seems like merp, but ends up being derp.

You end up pulling some quality cheek.

She ends up having a penis.

Hence, merpNderp.
by ShredGnarShark July 7, 2012
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Super wack online skateboard monoply. Supported by all the faggot poser kids. (Similar to Zumiez)
Specializes in Justin Bieber attire, like tight colorful jeans, and Supra Skytop shoes.

CCS is an acronym that stands for:
Cheab Cheab and Some more cheab.
(Look up the word cheab for full understanding.)
Yo Lom, where did you get that lame ass skateboard?

CCS! But I still can't kickflip.
by ShredGnarShark September 6, 2011
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Exclamation used during shitty situations.

"derp" is not yelled, but simply said.

Used instead of yelling "FUCK" or "GOD DAMMIT".

Shockingly, "derp" releases stress, anger, and sadness better than yelling and cursing.

Opposite of merp.
Imagine this. Getting lost during a road trip. You become extremely hungry. For whatever reason, you have a strong craving for Chick-fil-A, and refuse to stop anywhere else. You set your TomTom to the nearest Chick-fil-A, but is on his period and sends you to mother fucking Disney World instead. When you finally find a fucking Chick-fil-A, it's closed and you remember that it's Sunday.

by ShredGnarShark July 7, 2012
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Used only for comedy purposes. Never used to announce actual ejaculation.

Inspired by Jersey Shore, and then takin to a whole nother level.

Opposite of Derp.
Some hot cheeks walk by.
Jake: "Merp"

Some hotter cheeks walk by.
Jake: "Double Merp"

Grade-A milf cheeks walk by.
Jake actually merped his pants.
Jake: "I got to go to the bathroom"
by ShredGnarShark July 3, 2012
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Chea-B-S is a nickname for the world renowned Cocoa Beach Skate Park.

Pronunciation: "chee-be-es"

Chea-B-S is a great skatepark. The only problem is that its infested with cheabs. (look up definition of CHEAB).

The cheabs of Chea-B-S are the cheabiest cheabs of all cheabs. They don't ever skate. They just run around and cause havoc.

The head-cheabs inlcude:
JarrOd- President Cheab
Liam- Vice Cheab
Cory- Secretary of Suck
RJ- Secretary of annoyingSHITS
Blake- Secretary of Anger
Elijah- Colored Representative
Cool KId #1: "Yo Jake, let's go skate. Want to head over to Chea-B-S?"

Cool Kid #2: "Nah, im sick of all those damn cheabs. I would rather skate paradise funplex."
by ShredGnarShark October 1, 2011
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Someone who really sucks..... like really SUCKS at skateboarding.

Someone who can't win a game of flatground skate.
Someone who invents the gayest shit tricks on mini ramp.
Someone who misses the last trick of a skateboard train.
Someone who rides CCS griptape.
Someone who always gets in the way.
Someone who does fs 180 nosegrab air-outs.
Someone who breaks their collar bone on a skim board.
Someone who pushes mongo.

You can really just tell by natural instinct if a kid is a Cheab or not. (Unless you are a cheab)

Origin of the word Cheab: In 1969, a skater tryed to read the word "Beach" backwards, and ended up saying "Cheab". He was obviously a Cheab.
Move out of the way you gosh darn Cheab!
by ShredGnarShark September 5, 2011
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Grade "A", quality booty.

Double D's of the ass world.

Known to cause instant boners.

When is presence of cheeks, one must yell "juice" to let her know what's up.
Nicki Minaj's ass would be a prime example of cheeks.

What is the meaning of life?

by ShredGnarShark July 9, 2012
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