19 definitions by Shinigami

A person who is blindly, fanatically loyal to Nintendo. He will immediately buy anything with the Nintendo logo, mindlessly insult anyone who doesn't share his fanaticism, and would proclaim a blank CD with Mario's face on it to be the greatest game ever made.

See also: Nintendrone, fanboy, moron
by Shinigami August 16, 2003
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A name only held by those higher than anyone else, taken from the ancient jap word shini - high and gami - godlike.
my god i wish i was like shinigami, hes so awersome!
by Shinigami August 2, 2003
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The Microsoft X-box. A collection of outdated off-the-shelf PC components that were crammed into an oversized piece of plastic and called a game console.
The X-box isn't a console, it's a PC-in-a-box!
by Shinigami March 7, 2005
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I typing style commonly used by AzNs that resembles the typing style of a retarded child with a broken Caps Lock key.
by Shinigami June 13, 2003
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A random lunatic who often runs PSO RPG in IRC, although her players are less than reliable.
This is Mayg speaking. Sit down and shut up so we can start!
by Shinigami May 8, 2004
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Elite. Originated among AOL users who believed that downloading an AOL-hack program made them 1337 h4xx0r d00dZ (elite hacker dudes), and that they were so cool they needed to talk in "code". This resulted in a "language" known variously as h4xX0r353, 13375p33k, 14M3r353, or simply 1337. It is characterized by mispelled words, random capitalization, excessive use of eclamation points, and, wherever possible, numbers in the place of letters. No genuine hacker would be caught dead typing in this manner, except possibly to mock the idiots who actually use it.
d00d 3y3 4m 50 1337!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
by Shinigami September 16, 2003
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