1 definition by Sheflieswithoutwings

Samuel is a person everyone needs. He'll be there for you. He's amazing at sports. Samuel is a natural leader. He's dedicated and really funny and charming, and deep down he's a real sweetheart. Samuel has a caring heart, and any girl would be extremely lucky to have a Samuel. Samuel is handsome and his eyes are gorgeous. He is silly at times, but he knows how to make people smile. He really has a heart of gold. He's supportive, and he makes all the girls go crazy. He's probably the most likely to leave a string of broken hearts behind when he leaves. Sam doesn't like to hurt your feelings, and he's a world class friend. Ladies love him, and he's the best guy I know.
Joan: who's that guy talking to Alice? He's really attractive!;)
Mallory: oh, that's Samuel. He's really chill.
by Sheflieswithoutwings July 16, 2014
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