29 definitions by Shawn Maglicic

A tool used to ground up marijuana so it may be rolled. Usually a coffeegrinder is used to do this.
-Yo I just bought a bud buster
by Shawn Maglicic April 15, 2006
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A joint containing marijuana and hash.
That zepplin has a gram of weed and a gram of hash.
by Shawn Maglicic December 12, 2005
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Another term used for esctacy.
"Yo, do you have a beano I can buy?"
by Shawn Maglicic August 13, 2005
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Oral sex preformed on a male. Also see blowjob.
She took him into the room and gave him a humding.
by Shawn Maglicic December 19, 2005
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A drug city found in Ontario, Canada. Welland has the second highest drugs per person in North America behind Los Angelos.
I need some beans, let's go to Welland, they're only $5 a pill there.
by Shawn Maglicic September 20, 2005
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Random mind blanks. This is caused from excessive use of drugs.
I was walking through Wal Mart and I didn't know where I was, I had wicked white wall.
by Shawn Maglicic December 24, 2005
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Term used to describe the process of thought that randomly occurs after excessive usage of drugs. The user will try to think of something and randomly have a mind blank. White wall can occur at anytime and anywhere.
Alan was in Wal Mart and all of a sudden didn't know where he was. He had wicked white wall.
by Shawn Maglicic December 20, 2005
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