34 definitions by Sharkey & Bubbles

If you believe that something is written in the stars, you believe that it will be made to happen by a force that controls the future.

However, when something is written in the chips then it also becomes folklore within the Facebook Crockpot cooking community.
Susie made it so that her and Stuart's love would be written in the stars forever. Stuart had it written in the chips. Only then did Karen, James and their slow cooking companions know that Stuart did in fact love Susie. She was his liginto.
by Sharkey & Bubbles April 10, 2022
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Gate 84 has it all.

More titanic than Titanic:

Our heroine battled to leave Belfast on time, managing to evade pretentious easyJet airport staff on minimum wage to ultimately face the iceberg that was Stansted Airport Security delays.

Better boob than Baywatch:
Our angel battled her way from the back of the aircraft, cussing at stewardesses and pushing elderly people aside. She launched herself on to the tarmac and ran, her tittage bouncing in a way that made Pamela Anderson look like an malnourished choir boy.

The sad bit:
He saw her and was filled with emotion. The hopelessness of seeing his sweetheart so close, yet so cruelly far as she pushed disabled children from her way. His numerous attempts to bribe Ryanair officials to stall the connecting flight had failed. Would he board the Berlin flight alone?

More ballsy than Bourne or Bond:
Seeing her opportunity our leading lady ducked into a side corridor, her heart pounding as Gate 84 came to view. She banged at the door, the only barrier remaining between her and her lover. As it unlocked she burst through, her magnificent dump truck firing on all cylinders.

Not Casablanca:
She saw him at the window looking forlorn; she had made it against all odds. She lightly tapped him on the arm and he turned to look at her.... "How?" he exclaimed, his despondency replaced by surrealism as he poked her in the forehead to make sure she was real. They embraced, nothing was ever going to keep these lovers apart.
Susie and Stuart boarded the flight to Berlin together, hand in hand (and ignoring the connecting flight delay due to ice on the wings that probably made the whole story of Gate 84 superfluous). To celebrate their reunification, he got her drunk on Jack Daniels from the inflight trolley and, on landing, banged her like a screen door in a hurricane.
by Sharkey & Bubbles March 19, 2023
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Susie's Lemon Fizz, or S'lemon Fizz, is the perfect refreshment following incredible sex.
by Sharkey & Bubbles March 18, 2023
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Quag originated as an act of manipulation over a fellow Scrabble player in order to win at a critical stage in the game, encouraging the opponent to defeat themselves.

This term has since entered general use to describe manipulation or one-upmanship, the quager quaging the quagee to gain an advantage. Should the quagee spot the quag early enough, he/she (typically she) has the opportunity to up-quag or out-quag her adversary and thus adopt the role of the quager.
Susie, previous world number 2 on a non-official scrabble application, had an unexpectedly slim lead. Stuart, leveraging on her inflated Scrabble ego, asked “what would you do with these letters?” and thus the quag was primed.
by Sharkey & Bubbles August 16, 2022
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Going to Tribal Burger alone, but not ordering the Pork Belly Bites, apparently....
Of course Susie went to Tribal Burger to feel close to her absent love. What other possible reason would she have!
by Sharkey & Bubbles September 3, 2023
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"Ma belly" is a seemingly discretionary stage of sexy time between two lovers in a long distance relationship. A stage that may be skipped should one of the participants feel insufficient progress is being made.
Stuart told Susie to run the ice cube over her nipples and down between her breasts to which she replied "You want me to put the ice cube up inside me?". He immediately knew she'd turned her chuff into a chilled water dispenser. She had completely skipped Ma belly.
by Sharkey & Bubbles May 13, 2022
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Ladies don't have sex during menstruation, "It's the difference between a woman and a lady".

No matter how biblical the sex, there will be no parting of the red sea during Tiara week.

Synonyms: Blow job week, Titty wank week

Antonyms: Shark week, Sharkey week
Susie pronounced "I'm totally going to be your slut in the bedroom, (but) I'm still going to be a lady". Tiara week had just become forbidden fruit and Stuart spent his time parading around in sweatpants with a blatant disregard for underwear.
by Sharkey & Bubbles July 12, 2022
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