27 definitions by Shareeb4Prez

This person is such a big schmuck, that he or she will watch the movie "Super Size Me," a documentary about a man who eats McDonald's for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 30 days and nearly dies, and is turned on to eat McDonald's.

In other words, it is your fat friend (or you) who loves McDonald's so much that he or she will eat it at the drop of a hat. All you must do is say the word: McDonald's.
Clayton was at work and had a customer whose last name is McDonald. Within 10 minutes after dealing with his customer he drove to McDonald's and ordered a double quarter pounder meal with no onions and pickles. McDonald's.

Did you see a movie that proves McDonald's is not healthy to eat?

I bet you're hungry. If so, consider yourself a McIdiot.
by Shareeb4Prez February 26, 2008
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This is a sexual act performed when a man masturbates on a woman's chest, but the catch is the man drools on her while he's standing over her.

The act is commonly performed among people of low intelligence who do not realize what is happening.

If the man is bald and is an alcoholic, it is then known as a Homer Simpson.
Clarence couldn't help it, nor did he realize, he had just successfully performed the Bell honeybun.

by Shareeb4Prez February 24, 2008
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1. The biggest casino in the world for people of Main Street (bigger than Las Vegas).

2. A term used to describe the area for Day Traders in downtown New York, where people buy and sell mostly for emotional reasons.
1. (two average Joes on Main Street)

John: I diversify my investments by spreading my dollars across many stocks.

Steve: Don't you realize you're gambling?

John: My stock broker says I'm not gambling.

Steve: Technically you're not gambling, but your stock broker is.

2. (two brokers on Wall Street)

Trever: Did you hear apple supply is up this year?

Dave: Sell! Sell! Sell!

Tever: But you didn't let me finish my ...

Dave: Buy! Buy! Buy!
by Shareeb4Prez February 23, 2009
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Sometimes, "hicks" will mispronounce the word ancestry by throwing in a country twang with a subtle, yet accurate family history of inbreeding.

Arguably a Freudian slip.
Stephen: Hello. Nice to meet you. I am Stephen Harding, a Navy veteran.
Darrell: Mah great uncle was Civil War vetrun. Yeah, he's parta mah incestry.
by Shareeb4Prez April 10, 2009
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n. Choker.

Ex.1--In 1993, while playing for Michigan, sophomore forward Chris Webber called timeout in the Men's NCAA Division I Championship game down by two points with 11 seconds left in the second half. This resulted in the team being charged with a technical foul because it didn't have any timeouts remaining.

Ex.2--In the 2002 NBA Western Conference Championship Game 7, Webber went 3 for 10 for field goals in the fourth quarter and overtime, resulting in a loss of series.

Ex.3--In the 2003 NBA Western Conference Semifinals, Webber fell down untouched while running with the ball to the basket. The result was a season-ending knee injury.

Ex.4--In 2007, the Philadelphia 76ers gave Webber a $25 million buyout of contract after two years of play. In other words, they paid him NOT to play for them.

see also: "over paid," "over rated,"
Chris Webber does not have a championship ring.

Chris Webber will not be on the cover of Wheaties (i.e. "Breakfast of Champions")

Chris Webber is the Dan Marino of the NBA, except without all the records and Hall of Fame status, or having played for the same team his entire career.
by Shareeb4Prez August 5, 2008
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A car for men who are not man enough to handle a real muscle car, such as the Dodge Charger. Most often, this car is for men who might be married, but they still spend 5-10% of their days questioning whether they should become a homosexual.

Men who buy these cars are often thought of as "gay" or "stupid" by men who buy American muscle cars.
Timothy wanted to buy an American muscle car until he was turned off by his sales experience with the store that sells them, simply because he is a dumb ass and will believe all the bullshit the salesmen at the Mitsubishi dealership. This is why he bought the Lancer Evolution.

Tim: Do you like my Lancer Evo dude?
Steve: No. It's a girl's car.
Tim: What?
Steve: You should have bought a Dodge Charger.
Tim: But this comes with a standard transmission and it's All Wheel Drive. I can't get a standard transmission on a Dodge Charger.
Steve: Yes, it does have those accessories, but it also is a vehicle for homosexuals. Do you enjoy penis on a regular occasion, or do you deny your preference for penis and believe the bullshit your therapist tells you?
by Shareeb4Prez February 24, 2008
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