27 definitions by Shareeb4Prez

When a person working in a multi-story office with a basement (usually a skyscraper) chooses to use the basement bathroom for "number two" or "dropping bombs" instead of using the floor he or she works on.

Hence, to bomb the base.

A spin off the 90s DJ name "Bomb The Bass."
Derek: Hey, do you want me to drop off your mail?
Tom: Yeah sure. But the mail slot is in the basement. We are on the 18th floor. Why are you headed down there?
Derek: After that enchilada lunch I fear I have no choice but to bomb the base.
by Shareeb4Prez December 24, 2009
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A person who is either a complete piece of shit or an outstanding person. Whenever a customer walks on the lot, he or she (or they) could be working with the biggest idiot on the planet, simply because most car dealerships will hire anyone. Most dealerships will hire the fattest, dumbest piece of shit on the planet and give he or she the privilege of moving cars on the lot, much less go on test drives with potential buyers
customer: are we dealing a person who knows what he is doing?
customer spouse: i don't care. i hate you and i hate life.
car salesman: as much as i don't give a shit about your shitty love life, did you know this car comes with airbags?

by Shareeb4Prez February 26, 2008
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A link some guy created when referring to "tldr." The fact you have clicked on this link probably means you have seen all there is to see on the Internet. Go outside, get some exercise.
Bob: I clicked on ˈæm·br&#596
Steve: wow, I didn't know that was possible. You need to get a life
by Shareeb4Prez November 28, 2010
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When a man walks into a room and all the weak men's anuses pucker. Not a homosexual thing. Like when a dog humps another dog of the same sex.
Guy 1: Oh shit, here comes the boss. My asshole just puckered.

Guy 2: Obviously someone has established dominance.
by Shareeb4Prez August 12, 2009
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The deep unconscious state of mind from Americans and people around the world while they give Barack Hussein Obama cart blanch as president. This includes not taking the time to learn and research his stated agenda.

Vital signs include a glaze over the eyes upon hearing his name, frequent uses of the words "change" and "hope" when defending support of him, and reading tabloid magazines that praise his wife and kids.

Sources of this coma include Obama's ethnicity, youth, political party affiliation, and the fact he is not George W. Bush.

Meanwhile, his inauguration party cost more than $100 million, despite the $10 trillion in deficit that continues growing with all the "economic stimulus" plans.

He has no intention to reduce the size of the U.S. government or bring the troops home. He will continue implementing the Security and Prosperity Partnership to make North America one country.

The only change you're getting are three quarters in 2012 for every dollar we have today.
Obamacoma person: "Obama will bring change to South Africa, the Iraq, like such as."

Any other person: "Oh jeez. She must be in an Obamacoma."
by Shareeb4Prez January 31, 2009
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1. HFCS is a refined sweetener made of corn. It causes a nerve ending in your brain to not detect when your stomach is full, which will lead to overeating. It also has a 1/3 chance of containing mercury.

2. HFCS, Dude!!!!
by Shareeb4Prez May 7, 2009
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Any guy who goes into a bar with the intention to make friends with strangers, eventually sit at their table, have a few drinks, then sneak out early and put his drinks on the strangers' tab before they notice.
Random Guy: Hey guys, nice talking with ya! I've got to run, so I'm going to go pay my tab and be on my way.

Group of Strangers: All right! Take it easy!

(20 minutes later)

Stranger 1: Hey! That one guy put his drinks on my tab!!! WTF!!!!
Stranger 2: Oh shit. What a Joe York.
by Shareeb4Prez September 11, 2009
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