19 definitions by ShaneWood

Somebody with huge balls. Its play on the nickname for the Sacramento Kings basketball team.
Josh's balls are so big that they're starting to wear a hole in the crotch of his jeans. He's more of a sac king than Spud Webb.
by ShaneWood January 12, 2012
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Julian- "You need to quit pickin up hookers while you're drivin the rig. Youre gonna lose your license again."

Ray- "Theyre not hookers, buddy, theyre friends of the road."
by ShaneWood January 8, 2012
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Slang for an intravenous shot of meth or any other similar uppers like dexedrine, ephedrine, or benzedrine.
David- "Hey whats goin on Jesus?

Jesus- "I'm about to do a big fat butterball then watch porn for five hours."
by ShaneWood January 12, 2012
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This term refers to using another person as a scapegoat or fall guy for your criminal endeavours. If the cops ever come around asking questions, you simply blame the jail cover. Ideally, your jail cover would be a complete and oblivious fucking moron who could easily be taken advantage of. It is good if they look up to you and want to be like you, so usually a person younger than yourself would be used. They are often forced to do grunt work that nobody else wants to do until the time comes for them to actually be arrested and serve their ultimate purpose.
Bubbles- "Don't you feel bad that Corey and Trevor went to jail for something you did?"

Ricky- "No. They're just fucking jail cover. Nothing more."
by ShaneWood January 12, 2012
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A shot consisting of equal parts tequila, Jägermeister, and peppermint schnapps. When I used to bar tend this was my go-to shot for drunk, rude, snobby, and otherwise obnoxious people who, when asked what they would like to drink, look at you blankly and say "Uh... just make me a shot."
Jonny- "Damn that cat just puked all over the urinal in the men's room!"

Me- "Yeah I gave that drunk fuck a pitbull on crack."
by ShaneWood January 12, 2012
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Slang for meth. So called because of the way a bulbie glows when youre smokin it.
Watch out for TJ... That dude's smokin glow again.
by ShaneWood July 27, 2012
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Verb. To 'take no like Kobe' means you do not take 'no' for an answer. This is, of course, a reference to the 2003 sexual assault allegations against Kobe Bryant. He never really admitted that he did anything wrong and was never convicted of any crime, but we're all pretty certain of the truth.
George- "Fucking Andy keeps hittin' me up for weed when I already told him I don't have any.

Nate- "Yeah that dude take no like Kobe."
by ShaneWood January 12, 2012
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