37 definitions by Shadow Creator

An insult/label often flung at those who have beliefs that are not commonly accepted.
Person 1: I believe aliens are visiting Earth.


Person 1: No I am not, I've thought about the issue thoroughly

by Shadow Creator March 21, 2008
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Fun game with weak, completely outdated weapons.
The first killzone would have been much better had they ironed out some minor issues. I wish they would just set the series in 2025 if they are going to make the weapons so similar to today's.
by Shadow Creator September 8, 2007
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A legitimate science that has been abused by mislead doctors for the benefit of mass society and huge drug companies. Propagated as the utter solution to everything that is wrong with society, when the causes are social. Has been expanded to include 'psychiatric genetics' (or 'behavioral genetics'), a field which attempts to convince the public that our finest behaviors are governed by genes without providing true evidence to support this claim. What 'evidence' that is presented tends to jump to conclusions (correlation =/= causation). It's also used by the general masses to absolve themselves of responsibility for their actions commonly (He did it because he was genetically predisposed to violence!). All in all, controlling for environmental factors is damn near impossible at this time, rendering most of 'behavioral genetics' worthless.
Genetics is a legitimate field, but when it becomes an enforcer of a status quo based on little or no evidence, it is nothing short of an atrocity.
by Shadow Creator November 25, 2007
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Lacking in knowledge, awareness, empathy, and wisdom. Can apply to anyone, regardless of political affiliation. Contrary to popular belief, it is a very broad state of mind, not largely dependent on one's specific views on a subject. Despite this larger meaning, this word is usually hurled towards others by people who are also ignorant who happen to be upset by something someone said.
Most democrats and most republicans are ignorant. In fact, most people are as a whole! Blargh.
by Shadow Creator January 1, 2008
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1. A true emotional problem often caused by repetitive, obsessive thinking and often spurred by drug use.

2. A label slapped onto an intelligent person by a psychiatrist who believes that they have a superior vision to the average Joe, who does not believe in the status quo, and also recognizes that they are above much of society due to thinking, intelligence, and intuition.
Mike suffers from psychosis; he was abused when he was younger and now abuses cocaine.

John is highly intelligent and understands himself to be a leader capable of great change, but since he does not agree with the status quo and refuses to be 'put in his place', he has been told that he suffers from 'psychosis' and 'delusional thinking patterns'.
by Shadow Creator September 5, 2007
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A tool that can equalize the playing field between an arrogant big man and a scared little man.
Japan banned guns in the 1500s because peasants, who had little combat experience, were using them to overthrow the samurai caste with little effort needed.
by Shadow Creator October 26, 2007
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"That nigger". A moronic bastardization of the English language. Also an inflammatory comment, though many are too stupid to understand this.
It's not 'dat nigga'. The proper vernacular is 'that nigger', you FUCKTARDS.
by Shadow Creator December 3, 2007
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