27 definitions by ShAdOwZ

Sometimes added on the end of a written statement that is meant to be sarcastic, especially online. Sarcastic text can often be misunderstood since the reader cannot find an inflection or other indications of sarcasm.

Variants include -Sarcasm-, ~Sarcasm~, =Sarcasm=, <Sarcasm>, etc.

Ladiezzman29: dude don't fuckin mess i have all these ladiez in my bed rite now jusst waitin for me to come

DevotedRationale: Of course. We all know how you're such a huge pimp. *Sarcasm*
by ShAdOwZ March 17, 2009
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"Little ones", as they say over in the U.K.

Used when referring to a group or body of young children.

Andy: C'mon, we've got to leave! This building is going to burn down!
Sheryl: No, I'm not leaving without the little'uns!
Andy: That's okay, we can make more!
by ShAdOwZ February 18, 2009
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The electronic bass sound that is one of the hallmarks of dubstep music.
John: Bro! Do you hear that music?
Sam: Yea man! I love dubstep! Check out that sick wubwubwub bass!
by ShAdOwZ September 12, 2011
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Alternate spelling of "cock". Used when you're playing those arcade games and you set a high score and it asks you to enter your name but using only three letters (and presumably the other variants are already taken).
Jim: I just set this way high score on Time Crisis 4, now to enter my name...Shit, "cok", "coc", "coq", "kok", and "koc" are taken.

Joe: Dude, try "koq".

Jim: Good idea.
by ShAdOwZ February 18, 2009
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In case you can't understand what the other definitions are saying, Alliteration is a literary technique where words with similar primary sounds are repeated.
The popular phrase "my fine feathered friend" utilizes alliteration.
by ShAdOwZ March 18, 2009
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