11 definitions by Sexymullatoboi

An innoying song from the Sponge bob Square pants movie. also an under sea peanut that Sponge bob and Patrick admire.
by Sexymullatoboi August 10, 2005
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n. In prison, inmates will put chips, various candy, cheetos etc between two pieces of bread. (like a sandwich) and eat it. It gets its name from the chips or whatever being slamed between two pieces of bread.
Big bubba and Joey made some slams in their cell yesterday. When Big bubba was parolled he taught me how to make some slams
by Sexymullatoboi August 1, 2010
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1.Stoner/hippie slang for weed.

2.What Scooby Doo says
Fred: I'm all out of Scooby snacks would you like a doobie snack?

Shaggy: Oh yeah doobie snacks let's get stoned

Scooby: Scooby DOOBIE *PUFF* doooooooo!!!
by Sexymullatoboi December 27, 2005
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A loser who fallows trends and then says there different and shit. When they are the same as everyone else. They have the damn right to call everyone who doe'snt fallow trends or cool loser. But they are'nt real so they are the real losers.
Examples: Half the people on Myspace are Scene kids
by Sexymullatoboi June 12, 2006
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