1061 definitions by Sexydimma

one of two things:

a) in hockey, a situation where your team is down a man because one your players is in the penalty box

b) a phrase meaning without any particular effort
person 1) Can Sidney Crosby score a short-handed goal after his injury of January 2011?

person 2): IMHO Sidney Crosby will do so not only short-handed, but also blindfolded at the same time.
by Sexydimma October 5, 2012
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1) without any seemingly particular effort
2) in unfavorable circumstances
3) in a game of poker, starting out with the worst possible hand
Person a: can Sidney Crosby score short-handed, even after his injury of Jan 2011-Feb 2012?

Person b: we'll have to wait and see.
by Sexydimma May 2, 2013
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one of two things:

a) in hockey, a situation where your team is down a man because one your players is in the penalty box

b) a phrase meaning without any particular effort
person 1) Can Sidney Crosby score a short-handed goal after his injury of January 2011?

person 2): IMHO Sidney Crosby will do so not only short-handed, but also blindfolded as well at the same time.
by Sexydimma June 22, 2012
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1) in hockey, when your team is down a man
2) without any seemingly particular effort

3) in unfavorable circumstances
4) in a game of poker, starting out with the worst possible hand
Person a: can Sid Crosby score short-handed?
Person b: we'll have to wait and see.
by Sexydimma February 5, 2013
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Similar to blackxit but involving jews leaving the democratic party en masse
As a non conformist jew I say We need to use this passover 2021 season to potentially seriously start thinking about jewxit.
by Sexydimma March 27, 2021
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a) (offensive) an irrational/non pragmatic/behaviorally unpredictable person who is neither under the influence of any drugs/alcohol nor has ADD/ADHD
b ) (sarcastic) a person who does rational and somewhat pragmatic things first without, however, having thought them through properly and then asks intelligent questions regarding his previous pragmatic actions
c) an offensive term for children with, or perceived to have, ADD/ADHD, regardless of whether or not this is truly the case
boy a) my girlfriend is such a loose cannon, and makes the most irrational, non-pragmatic decisions, is there anything I can do?

boy b) are you lol, your girlfriend's social worker or psychiatrist? It may be that she is just a loose cannon according to you, IYHO only and normal to everyone else. and lol, is it possible that you are a loose cannon according to her?

boy a) Dunno and idc if i am a loose cannon according to her. IMHO she needs a few doses of methylphenidate
by Sexydimma May 4, 2013
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(verb- to have a): to be able to sing for shit, i.e to be able only to sing an acrapella
if you have a potato voice, not even a musical education at La Scalla in Milan, Italy, won't help you, and you shouldn't consider singing as you vocation.
by Sexydimma November 17, 2013
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