7 definitions by SenorSauce

A Mitchnutro is an ejaculation from a male penis that is equal to or greater than 2 fluid ounces(59ml) in volume.
Next time you decide to mitchnutro on me could you aim for my chest instead of my eyes? Is it in my hair? It is isn't it? You mitchnutro'd in my hair that I just had styled 3 hours ago, next time your jacking off an hour before we have sex. Nobody can mitchnutro twice in a day can they?
by SenorSauce April 23, 2021
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A Werd is when you are walking along in the woods enjoying nature and you feel a terd coming out and you can't stop it so you have to take a Werd, you have no choice.
I wonder how many werds have been taken in these woods? This is probably my 13th, 14th .
by SenorSauce December 13, 2021
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A bootleg is the natural leg of a person who has one peg(wooden) leg and one natural leg. It's called the bootleg because it is the one that has a foot and would need a boot and the peg leg does not need a boot. It was a term that was used when shoes were made to order one pair at a time or in some cases just one was made for the "bootleg".
How's that new shoe feeling on your bootleg Joe? Sorry about getting your boot and peg leg sides mixed up, I should know by now. I think that's the 6th bootleg shoe I've made you since the accident.
by SenorSauce August 17, 2023
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A polite and quick response to someone asking you if you'd like to go with them to the local botanical garden.
"Would you like to go with me on Sunday to the Botanical Garden?"
by SenorSauce January 14, 2022
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An unidentified man on a dance floor that is spinning out of control and taking anything out in his path and then exits the dance floor on the other side and disappears.
What happened to you? "I was at the club last night and a John Donado came out of nowhere and sent a skinny girl flying heels first into my face."
by SenorSauce March 2, 2023
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Any group of two or more Doug's walking around together willingly.
Why does it seem like a Daggle of Doug's only has to cross the street when I'm late for my meeting with my probation officer?
by SenorSauce March 8, 2023
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Sacrete is the sweat that a nutsack produces as one of the top excretors of the Excretory System.(Feet and nutsacks combine to do 70% of the daily sweat secretion the human body needs to do to survive.)
I can't believe he wore white pants on a day as hot as this when he knew we'd be outside most of the day and his balls were going to sacrete heavily considering his balls would sacrete if he was stuck in a meat locker all day long.
by SenorSauce December 13, 2021
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