32 definitions by Secret Agent Man

In college, a difficult professor might shaft the class. By extension, 'self-shaft' means taking the same class independent study.
Calc 3? I'm taking that self-shaft next semester.
by Secret Agent Man September 17, 2003
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Company Wile E. Coyote always ordered his equipment from, usually with disasterous results. Now in use to denote a shoddy, cheap, or inferior product, the use of which will probably lead to certain doom.
We needed a professional welder, but all we had was Doug and his Acme set.

My drums were stolen, so I'm getting by with this Acme set.

The good news is, they finished my x-rays; the bad news is, I think I saw 'Acme' on the side of the machine.

(Squinting at footage of the shuttle blowing up) Wait... I see... a... c... m... e...
by Secret Agent Man September 17, 2003
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Boring ass town in Maryland where the highlight is Harford Mall which is the smallest piece of shit mall I've ever seen. Kids drive around all day pretending to have somewhere to go and occassionally hang out in a parking lot and talk about their cars with loud mufflers. The girls are snobby sluts who start having sex at 13. Everyone has had atleast 1 STD that they all get from the same person. Everyone is an alcoholic because there's nothing else to do and most white kids think they're black.
hey i just copped some phat ass gonja u tryin to smoke?
by Secret Agent Man April 1, 2005
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Have you noticed, on the Olympic Soccer Team, none of the women are skeezers? I think I detect a plan here.
by Secret Agent Man September 19, 2003
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The problem person in the group, or one who stands out.
Well, we had a good turnout of volunteers--if you disregard that one 8-ball who smelled like a goat.

What the?!? Why do I get stuck dealing with all the 8-balls around here?
by Secret Agent Man September 17, 2003
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Military slang term for gay male, referring to the act anal sex. Often used by military wives who have (or had) no idea what it means.
I tried going to the county commission, but the mayor is just some big fat turd knocker in a bad suit, and he won't help.
by Secret Agent Man September 17, 2003
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Low income female, generally living in impoverished conditions (though not necessarily a trailer) whose welfare system includes governmental sources as well as various menfolk seen in the residence at odd hours.
That new chick in the apartment next door? She's got to be a trailer ho. She has like five kids and there's at least that many daddies I see over there all the time.
by Secret Agent Man September 18, 2003
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