21 definitions by Seb

The maltese word for shit. Also used by youths as an expression for somebody who is drunk.
Shit: Qed tirfes il- Hara ras. (You stepped in shit man)

Drunk: Dak xorob flixkun vodka wahdu u issa hara mejjet. (He drank a bottle of vodka on his own and now he is dead drunk)
by Seb June 1, 2004
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Dose-One and Gel's infamous exentric hip hop group. Formerly part of the group 'cLOUDDEAD'.
Man, Does spits out some ill material with Gel on Themselves.
by Seb April 27, 2004
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1)what is up my nigga?!
2)what is literally up, for instance the ceiling or the sky
by Seb April 9, 2003
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When one really wants to emphasize a particular detail, often accompanied with a hand signal
"and then he went around the corner like SEDI MO!"

"oh yes I see that now..."
by Seb September 18, 2003
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a shit sport where everyone fingers each others arse.
Nip spiort
by Seb March 22, 2005
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refering to something awsome; a very cool action
"Dude that was freakin' kilish"
by Seb March 30, 2005
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