284 definitions by Scott

"...the only band that matters..."
The clash was one of UK's finest punk bands of the 70s. They are the only band that went from punk to rock (and had styles inbetween with ska, reggae, hip hop, and jazz) without anyone calling them fuckin sellouts.
by Scott April 16, 2004
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Another word for money, sick, dirty or any other phrase which describes something good.
The stripper I got a lapdance from was sully!
by Scott June 15, 2006
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At a party you shit in the hosts toilet tank that way everytime it flushes shit water comes out.
Dude1: Dude, when all those skinheads were over last weekend someone high hatted my tank.
Dude2: Thats wack yo!
by Scott January 18, 2004
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one who has sex secretly because they are secretly gay and either 1)dating an openly gay guy or 2) dating another closet slut
he always hangs out with that boy, its almost like hes a closet slut....
by Scott December 31, 2005
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The strip of skin between the base of your testicles and the opening of your anus.
I had an itchy thambi.
by Scott July 19, 2004
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