7 definitions by Scotsdave

The act of wanting a team to lose, based solely on the fact that the supporters of said team speak funny/earn more than you/support a minority sport.
Bonesgiles from dangerhere.com
by Scotsdave March 16, 2005
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Used to describe a situation where you and someone else are aware of the mistake that a 3rd person is making. For this to be an "I know, you know." the 3rd person should be blissfully unaware of the situation.
"Hasn't Yoshi twigged that bird over there is a shemale?"

"I know, you know."
by Scotsdave December 2, 2004
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Exclamation used when notching up another frag on a FPS(particularly Halo).
"Is that Gerry G squirming round that corner?"


"Let's see if he likes some of this......... HO YEH!"
by Scotsdave December 14, 2004
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1) One who samples fine and/or exotic muff.

2) One who samples large amounts of muff, fine and exotic or not.
That Colin Farrell is a bit of a muffologist by all accounts.
by Scotsdave August 5, 2005
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Craig David, Helen "I probably sound Welsh on the telly" Adams from Big Brother 2.
by Scotsdave December 13, 2004
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Little invisible monster that grabs the hair on a guy's arse when shagging. Pulls the hair back and forth as hard as possible, resulting in the guy increasing his stroke rate to previously unimaginable speed.
Girl 1: "So, you got it on with Andy last night huh? How was it?"
Girl 2: "Andy was such a considerate lover until the point that the arse hair demon entered the room. Then he just pounded the shit out of me."
by Scotsdave March 15, 2006
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Sport played mainly in America. Designed so that every strand of society has something they can do. Fat bloaters to bump into each other, actual athletes to run and kick, and enough support staff to win the war in Iraq.

Unfeasibly boring due to repeated and lengthy breaks in play.

Rugby's stunted bastard child...
Commentator 1: "Yeah John, that was a fantastic pass from shotgun by Brett Favre."

Commentator 2: "Fuck off, I'm watching rugby."
by Scotsdave December 14, 2004
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