9 definitions by Sarah666

The son of a German mother, he started off with punk band Nightmares In Wax in the late 70s. Their mission statement was to be 'the worst band in the history of the world'. Needless to say, it didn't last long.
Pete had heard a song by outrageous drag queen Divine on the radio and fell in love with Pete Waterman's tinny beats. He produced Dead Or Alive's You Spin Me Round (Like A Record), which became a UK no.1. And the rest is history.
Pete now resides in London with his partner Michael Simpson. His surgery kinda screwed.
"Oh yeah, Pete Burns used to get off with Morrissey from The Smiths."
by Sarah666 December 7, 2007
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Apparently made from the tears of Cure singer Robert Smith, Goth juice is an item found on cult comedy show the Mighty Boosh. It has also recently been made into a real hair product produced by smelly store Lush.
"Ruth, how the hell did yo get your hair so fly, gurrl?" asked her mother.
"I used Goth Juice. It's brilliant mum!"
(shakes head) "Yo I don't wanna know. What the fuck Goth juice what yo gon be tellin' me next? That you squeezed one those sad kids I see in town an' yo made a body cream?"
by Sarah666 September 2, 2007
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The cutest couple ever. They're two of the main characters on a weekly British teen Dramedy on E4 called Skins, who eventually end up together after 8 bizarre episodes. Cassie is a dreamy, girly, scizophrenic drug-user, cutter anorexic with low self-esteem, while Sid is an awkward, nerdy boy in a beenie hat who is controlled by his egotistical best mate Tony. Sounds like it won't work, and maybe so, but it's certainly an interesting pairing.
"Sid and Cassie are so sweet on Skins."
"Yeah, I want them to get married at the season finale."
by Sarah666 August 15, 2007
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Jake Shears' pet tortoise, given to him by his boyfriend for his birthday. Jake revealed to Q! Magazine that he feeds it calorie-controlled portions of lettuce for meals and he cried, overcome with emotion, upon recieving the gift.
"I heard the lead singer of the Scissor Sisters has a pet turtle."
"Nay, it's a tortoise. Called Cheeseburger an'all!"
by Sarah666 August 15, 2007
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1) Boring.
2) Makes you tired.
1)"Oh my God, Cuthbert, do we *have* to watch Star Trek *again*?? It's, like, totally yawnable. Can't we, like, watch a chick flick instead??"
2) "Wowzer, lifting these crates sure is yawnable."
by Sarah666 August 10, 2007
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All-female punk band, recorded the fun "Dammit, Eat Your Pudding" LP on crack.
"Fallopian are a rockin' band!"
"Yeah, I went to their show. it was crazy radd"
by Sarah666 December 7, 2007
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A genre of music believed to have found its orgins in the late 1970s with new wave, has since evolved to a subculture of alternative rock distinct from Nerdcore. Also known as Geek rock. Popular bands with the nerd rock 'sound' include DEVO, Weezer ( the band perhaps most commonly given the label)and Fountains Of Wayne. Optionally, they can wear thick sweaters. In ways similar to emo.
"Have you heard Weezer's latest album?"
"Um, no, and, like, I'm sooo not gonna. That's, like, nerd rock. Only, like, a total dork would listen to them. Uh."
"You're sooo wrong my preppy friend."
by Sarah666 August 15, 2007
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