3 definitions by Sama Lama

A gamer that just plays for fun but secretly is a harcore gamer and rages when things don't go his or her way.
Hunter must be a casual gamer. I heard him raging from downstairs.
by Sama Lama July 30, 2016
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Cas is the shortened term for a casual gamer, or casual. If somebody is a casual gamer you can call them a Cas or never say their real name ever again and call them "The Cas." (Pronounced Cah-j, not Cah-s)
Hunter: I just play games for fun, I'm not in to any of that hardcore mlg stuff.

Brandon: To think I thought of you as a friend makes me feel like I have failed in life. How could I have mistaken a CAS like you to be an mlg pro?
by Sama Lama August 5, 2016
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That one YouTuber that doesn't want to make videos anymore but has to for their fans
I bet that dude is a Beta Bear.
by Sama Lama July 30, 2016
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