9 definitions by Sallys

n. A grandmother's nickname.

n. A regular at pageant message boards, usually leaving messages that aren't that funny.
Who left that stupid post?
Oh, ok..it was Meemaw.
by Sallys March 23, 2006
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When a transexual secretly dates unknowing men, as a woman, and pulls out her dick just as the guy starts to have sex.
Linda looked so perfect and just as I was playing with her tits she pulled a tranny-surprise.
by Sallys March 23, 2006
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n. The resulting gunk that forms in a pussy when the girl screws too many guys, or wipes her ass back to front.
Tiny Tina couldn't remember not to wipe her butt front to back so she became a factory of yeast.
by Sallys March 23, 2006
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Of or pertaining to a lesbian.
Like a lesbian.
You know, Terri's short haircut really is dykey.
by Sallys March 22, 2006
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A dick; penis; not a vagina.
Hey Rex, do you wanna suck my manwand?
by Sallys March 22, 2006
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The small discharge that sometimes happens after a long session of anal, except a few hours later, and unexpectedly.
Patty: "I was just sitting there watching TV and all the sudden I farted and it was a condoleeza rice of a time in my panties."
Friend: "At least you get anal."
by Sallys March 22, 2006
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A secretion of male ejaculate that exits the anus while farting, sometime after anal sex. It could be right after the sex or five hours later.

Standing in line for the subway, Jennie realized that she was now sporting a stain left by her cum fart.
by Sallys March 23, 2006
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