20 definitions by Safecracker G

1. To completely get away with something, like murder.
2. A false name given to Police when you are stopped + searched.
Pig: "'Ello, 'ello, 'ello, whatz your name then sonny?"
Sonny: "Erm ... no itz not Sonny, itz Scott Free."
by Safecracker G May 2, 2005
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An small portable electric device which heats the active chemicals in weed and turns them into a vapour which can then be inhaled. Allows a smokeless intake as the weed is not burned as it would be in a pipe or spliff.
Have you tried Steves vapourisor yet, you get a well good hit from it.
by Safecracker G October 15, 2004
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An description of a brown paper style bag used as an expression of disgust said to ya matez when encounterin' an ugly girl.
She'z so ugly you'd have to place a greengrocers mask over her head before you fucked her.
by Safecracker G September 8, 2004
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A girl who has been out with most of ya matez at one point or another.
Tina is such a 'posse pussy', I mean she'z shagged Me, Tony, Dave, Pete, Alan and Steve all from tha same crew.
by Safecracker G September 11, 2004
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A hospital fo nutterz and crazy mf'z etc.
Steve'z gone mad and has been carted off by men in white jacketz to tha loony bin.
by Safecracker G November 1, 2004
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1. (Mong)- Slang for spastic, but used against a person who says or does something completely idiotic by accident or without realisation. This makes every witness simultaneously raise their hands to their shoulders and shake 'em while sticking their tongue in their lower lip and making 'urrgh' noises.

2. (Monged)- A vegetive state of mind/being usually effective after consuming large quantities of alcohol, weed, lsd, ecstacy etc or combinations of.
1. Steve you mong, you've just poured the kettle onto ya cornflakes.

2. Steve's well monged after we spiked his drink with acid, muhahahaha.
by Safecracker G October 15, 2004
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