2 definitions by Sabul

The act of ass-raping a troll on the Internet by countering his/her shit-spouting with a long, well written, logical, and lengthy argument (ideally containing a number of points labeled A to S).
X: "Some douchebag on 4chan was totally trolling on /b/, so I gave him a three page essay--with a bibliography--on why he was a complete dumb fuck."

Y: "You totally A to S'd his ass!"
by Sabul October 19, 2011
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The act of going from completely flaccid to masturbating furiously. Usually accompanied by "in five seconds."
Also used to express admiration towards something or someone.

As seen on asciiartfarts.com
1: "Dude, the Modern Warfare 3 trailer made me go zero to punch!"
2: "What? Call of Duty fucking sucks."

1: "Every time I walk by that chick over there I want to go zero to punch. Right here, right now."

1: "Urban Dictionary makes me go zero to punch in five seconds."
by Sabul October 20, 2011
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