28 definitions by Sabrina

1. someone who does/says something stupid
2. can be used instead of "tool", "nerd", "dork", etc.
steve was such a tuna last night! he lost his footing on the stairs and fell flat on his a**.
by Sabrina April 1, 2004
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awesome, great, spiffy, wonderful

(basically, a multi-purpose positive adjective)
"How are you?"

"I'm doing snazzy!"
by Sabrina January 24, 2004
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Noun. A term to describe the feeling that is "being high" or "stoned", the reaction to smoking marijuana
Verb. Getting twitterpated or twitterpating is the act of "getting high" or smoking marijuana. Twitterpate
N. "That bong got me twitterpated in one hit!" or "Lets get twitterpated
V. "I'm going over to John's to right now to twitterpate with him."
by Sabrina March 4, 2005
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the word students may use becuase the factity at there high school are hearding them like cows from one class to another.
MOO- we dont want to go!!
by Sabrina October 8, 2003
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Sabs is me, too! The coolest nickname out there...short for Sabrina.
"Hey, Sabs...let's go bowling." ;)
by Sabrina January 22, 2005
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