69 definitions by SUMFURRYTHING

A toilet that is very comfortable and when you finish you are filled with joy because of how pleasant the experience was.

It's also a place
Steve: My stomach hurts
Robert: Then use the Joilet it will make you feel better
6 'minutes later
Robert: wow I feel great
by SUMFURRYTHING September 15, 2016
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Upcoming open world game where you can destroy almost everything.

It's like just cause 3 but with more destruction including tornadoes and balloons
Guy 1 - Just cause 4 looks awesome but looks like a dlc for jc3
Guy 2 - then don't buy it
Guy 1 - I'm gonna wait for the next cod game
Guy 2 - oh yeah that game, looks like a dlc for well all of the game
Guy 1 - I'm gonna slit your throat
by SUMFURRYTHING June 24, 2018
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That brown liquid you see your dad drink every day. Smells good
Coffee is for old people
by SUMFURRYTHING June 27, 2016
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Road that comes from New York City and crosses over a few towns in New Jersey

At day time you might aswell just put your car in park because of traffic and say your prayers when the cars are moving because nobody knows how to drive properly

At night time if you live in the vicinity good luck sleeping because it becomes a racetrack from 12 am to 5 am, nonstop loud cars speeding by and backfiring
Route 4 needs to be closed forever
by SUMFURRYTHING September 17, 2023
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When you want to say hung but you don’t know what grammar is
That guy was hanged

You mean hung right?
by SUMFURRYTHING June 28, 2021
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Expensive drama where you have to wear uncomfortable clothing because 2 people said so
This wedding is boring
by SUMFURRYTHING August 7, 2021
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